Create Submittal Package Page

This page allows the general contractor (Add/Edit Submittals permission) or the subcontractor (Create Submittal permission) to create a new submittal package. Individual submittal items must first be added to a package before they can be sent to the submittal coordinator to start the design review. For instructions, see Create Submittal Packages.

At the package level, Submittal Coordinators can edit descriptive information (such as the Submittal Package Name or Submittal Package #) when all the items in the submittal package are in review. If some or all of the items inside the package are in the court of an Add/Edit team member, then the package will not be available for editing.

Submittal Coordinators can edit items in review only if the Allow Submittal Coordinator and Project Admin to edit submittal item fields while in review permission has been enabled on the Submittal Settings page.

A description of the fields and buttons located on this page are provided below:


Custom Fields

Custom fields that are available in this section can be edited.