Add Commitment Line Items

Commitment line items can be added at any time. If a commitment has already been approved, however, line item amounts can only be added via a commitment change. Please be aware that line items can also be added while doing the commitment change to avoid having to do two separate processes or adding the line item first, and then the change; for detailed steps, see Add Commitment Changes.

To add commitment line items

  1. Go to the Commitment Details page.
  2. For more information, see Access the Commitment Details Page.

  3. Click Edit.
  4. The Edit Commitment page is displayed.

  5. Scroll down to the Commitment Items section, and then click Please Select A Line Item.
  6. The Budget Line Items dialog box displays.

  7. Click the account code link of the budget line item you'd like to add.
  8. Your selection is populated in the Commitment Items section.

    By default the commitment line item will inherit the funding rule assigned to the associated budget line item. You can choose to update the rule and set it to any allocation, as long as it adds up to 100%. Click the Edit link to edit the inherited rule.

  9. If you are tracking funding at the commitment level you are required to select a funding rule.
  10. If a funding rule does not automatically populate, click the Funding Rule drop-down arrow to select a funding rule or click the Edit link to enter a custom rule. Funding allocations must add up to 100%.

  11. If configured, you can optionally enter a retainage percentage for each line item.
  12. In the Retainage Percent column, enter a retainage percent.

  13. In the Amount column, enter the amount of the commitment item.
  14. This option is only available for non-approved commitment line items. Changes to approved amounts must be done via a commitment change.

  15. If this commitment item is an allowance, select the Allowance check box.
  16. An allowance is money set aside for a particular purpose, but the details of pending expenditures is still unknown. For more information on how allowances work, seeAdd/Edit Commitment Page Overview.

  17. To add additional line items, click the Add link, and then repeat steps 4-9.
  18. —Or—

    Click Save.