About Funding Rules

Funding rules allow you to apply a predetermined amount of funds from funding sources and categories based on a fixed ratio when adding budget line items, commitments or invoices. This toolset is most resourceful if business rules exist that require a certain amount of funds to be utilized from specific sources. Using funding rules takes the thought out of manually calculating ratios between funding sources, which can be increasingly difficult to do if multiple funding sources or categories exist on the project.

This mechanism is built with the flexibility to manually adjust ratios if necessary while processing budget line items, commitments and invoices. To support the ever changing nature of program management and particularly funds management, users are able to add commitments and invoices without initially assigning funding rules, but are not able to take action on these items (request approval, mark as paid etc.) until a funding rule is applied. As a best practice, organizations should have 100% funding rules for each funding source to use when applicable.

Related Topic:

Add/Edit Funding Rules

Add Account Funding Rules