GIS Map Tools

Map tools include the measure tool, editor, base map gallery, and the layer list.

These tools can be used while adding the web maps, and while adding or updating the project and process locations.

To use the map tools

  1. View the map.

  2. The following tools and options are available:

    • Zoom In: Click to zoom in on the current map view.
    • Zoom Out: Clickto zoom out on the current map view.
    • Default map view: Clickto navigate to the default map view.
    • Find my location: Clickto have the map view show your current location.
    • Expand Legend: Clickto expand and view the legend.
    • Expand Layers List: Clickto expand the list of map layers
    • Expand Base Map Gallery: Clickto open the gallery of available base maps. Click the desired map to view it.
    • Expand Editor:Clickto open the feature editor for available GIS data. The following options are available:
      • Enable tooltips: Click this toggle to show or hide numerical information while drawing.
      • Enable snapping: Click this toggle to enable snapping and then select what you want to snap to. The Geometry guides option allows a feature to snap to geometry guidelines. The Feature to feature option allows a feature to snap to another feature.
      • Snapping layers: Click this drop-down to select a layer you want the snapping controls to be applied to.
      • Create features: Click to create editable GIS features.
    • Distance Measurement Tool: Clickto measure the distance between points on the map.
    • Area Measurement Tool: Clickto measure the area of a polygon on the map.
    • Clear Measurements: Clickto clear the measurements from the map.
    • Collapse: Clickto collapse the open menu.