View Routing History

Users have the ability to view the routing history for the process steps that they have access to. The routing history of a process step includes the actors that have taken action on each step of the process thus far. You can view the action taken and the date and time stamp when it was completed. The age of the step and current status is also available.

To view routing history

  1. Click the Processes tab located at the top of the page.
  2. Choose a project from the All Projects menu.
  3. The Project Processes page is displayed.

  4. Filter for the process whose details you want to view.
  5. Click the process number or subject of the process you want to access.
  6. The Process instance page is displayed.

  7. Click the Show History link located directly below the process document title.

Routing History Page Field Descriptions

The fields and buttons located on this page are: