About e-Builder Administrative Roles

There are three kinds of administrative roles in e-Builder: Account Administrator, Project Administrator, and the Administrator Role. Account and project administrators have fixed sets of rights. User roles that are flagged as an Administrator Role can be granted additional permissions. A description of each is provided below:

Account Administrators

Typically, at least one account administrator is identified during the implementation process. The account administrator has full access to Administration Tools in the Setup, which allows them to complete configuration changes to the account and manage the permissions of other users. Account admins can add, act on, and modify items throughout the entire account whether they created it or not.

As an account administrator, you are responsible for all account activities from who has access to what project(s) and how the overall account settings are configured for each module. Any change to the account will be coordinated through this user role.

The following tasks are typically the responsibility of the Account Administrator.

  • Create and manage users and their access
  • Manage account level settings (e.g. Login agreements, password security, announcement)
  • Create and manage all form types
  • Create and manage account level reports and views
  • Create and manage all schedule configuration (e.g. Templates, master processes, master tasks)
  • Create and manage all cost configuration (e.g. Templates, account codes, change types)

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Project Administrators

Project administrators can add existing users to the projects they administer, and manage these user's permissions. They also have the ability to add, act on, and modify items throughout their project(s) as if they were the creator and approver. These items include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Forms and form instances
  • Processes and process instances
  • Documents
  • Cost items
  • Schedules
  • Meeting items
  • Bid packages
  • Planning scenarios
  • Submittals

The project administrator's permissions can be extended if they are added to the Administrator Role; for more information, see Overview of Administrator Role Settings.

Related Topics:

Overview of Administrator Role Settings

The rights of users can be increased if you flag the role that they are a member of to be an Administrator Role. On the Manage Permissions page, the Administrator Roles appear in red. You can then grant these roles additional permissions. So essentially, the Administrator Role setting merely makes it possible to grant these roles additional permissions. This setting can be enabled/ disabled at any time.

If the Role is flagged as an Admin Role, then any permission given that has an asterisk next to it grants that permission at the account level not just the project level.

The additional permissions that you can give to the Administrator Role are as follows:

  • Manage Users: Allow users to add/ edit users for the projects they are a member of. Users in the eB Admin role can add users, edit users, and remove users at the account level regardless of project membership if "Manage User" is selected in the role permissions. No ability to add users to a role.
  • Manage Memberships: Allow users to add/ edit projects and users for the projects they are a member of. If the Add New Project permission is granted, this is at the account level.
  • Manage Processes: Allow users to add/ edit processes and workflows of the projects they are a member of. Users in the eB Admin role can create new processes and edit existing processes at the account level regardless of project membership if "Manage Processes" is selected in the role permissions even if the process is isolated to a project the user isn’t a member of.
  • Manage Workflows: Allow users to modify process instances on the projects they are a member of, such as overriding a workflow and delegating process instances. Users in the eB Admin role can create new workflows and edit existing workflows at the account level regardless of project membership if "Manage Workflow" is selected in the role permissions even if the workflow is isolated to project that the user isn’t a member of.
  • Manage Cost Templates: Allow users to add/ edit the budget, cash flow, and forecast templates of the projects they are a member of. Users in the eB Admin role can manage forms at the account level regardless of project membership if "Manage Templates" is selected in the Cost module role permissions.
  • Manage Schedule Templates: Allow users to add/ edit schedule templates of the projects they are a member of. Users in the eB Admin role can manage schedule templates at the account level regardless of project membership if "Manage Templates" is selected in the Schedule module role permissions.
  • Manage Forms: Allow users to add/ edit forms for the projects they are a member of. Users in the eB Admin role can manage forms at the account level regardless of project membership if "Manage Form Types" is selected in the role permissions.
  • Manage Planning Templates: Allow users to add/ edit planning templates of the projects they are a member of. Users in the eB Admin role can planning templates at the account level regardless of project membership if "Manage Templates" is selected in the Planning module role permissions.
  • Automation:
    • Scheduled Tasks – if the Admin role is identified as a "Run Now" role, anyone in that role can view and choose to run the scheduled tasks now.
    • Report Subscriptions - A user in the eB Admin role can manage all subscriptions at the account level if Subscribe is selected in the Report module permissions. A user in the eB Admin role can copy user reports at the account level if "Copy" is selected in the Report module permissions.

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