Submit Time Sheets

Time sheets can be submitted by anyone with Create Time Sheets permissions.

To submit a time sheet

  1. Click the Time Sheet Tab from the Top Navigation menu.
  2. The Time Sheets page displays.

  3. If you're able to approve time sheets, two tabs appear (Your Time Sheet and Employee Time Sheets). If not, click Add Time.
  4. If you are in multiple roles, the Role drop-down menu appears. Choose the role for which you are submitting the time sheet.
  5. Click the pencil icon in the Project column to choose the project.
  6. Click the Activity drop-down menu to make a selection.
  7. Billable activities are only enabled for projects that have been marked as billable and have a bill rate associated with them. If you're unable to access billable activity, ask your account administrator to check your bill rate settings.

  8. If you chose a billable task with associated commitments, you're able choose a commitment from the Commitment Details column to track your time against.
  9. Enter time spent for each applicable day of the week.
  10. Optional: Take any of the following actions:
    • Enter a note by clicking the Note icon next to each cell.
    • Attach Documents, Forms or Processes.
  11. Save the time sheet for later
  12. —Or—

    Click Submit to route it for review and approval.