Return Item to Subcontractor

After the design review process is completed, the submittal coordinator will return the final reviewed submittal with attachments and comments to the general contractor (Add/Edit Submittal permissions).

At this point, subcontractors with access to e-Builder will be able to view the final reviewed submittals returned by the submittal coordinator. However, to ensure that the subcontractors realize that the submittal has been returned, the GC may want to use the Send to Sub action to send a notification.

Additionally, if the subcontractor has Create Submittal rights, the GC may use the Send to Sub with an Action Required to request that the subcontractor create a revision for resubmittals.

GCs can use the Send to Sub action on open items that they are holding. If you are regularly notifying subcontractors of reviewed items, be sure the submittal register statuses are not using Auto-Close and bypassing the GC.

To return submittal items to the subcontractor

  1. Go to the Submittal Packages page. For access instructions, see Access Submittals.
  2. Click the package title. The Submittal Package Details page displays.
  3. Select the item(s) to be returned.
  4. Click Send to Sub and complete the form.
    • Select Notify send type to simply let the subcontractor know that a submittal has been completed.
    • Select Action Required send type for subcontractors with Create permission to ensure they create a revision and resubmittal. Identify a due date for the revision to be created.
  5. Click Save.

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