Manage Master Commitment Change Reason Codes

The fields and buttons located on this page are:

Add New Reason Code - Fields and Buttons

  • Save (Button): Click this button to save added reason.
  • Cancel: Click this button to disregard changes. Unsaved changes will be lost.
  • Reason Code: Enter the name of the new reason code in this field.
  • Apply Approved Change To: Click this drop-down arrow to select what the commitment reason code will be applied to; whether to the Original Amount or to Approved Changes.
  • Description: Enter a description of the commitment change reason code in this field.
  • Allow only net $0 changes: This setting pertains to allowances. Select this check box if the reason for the commitment change may only result in a $-0- dollar net change to the contract. If this restriction is checked, the total shown when adding or editing a commitment will be displayed in red if the net amount is not -0-. For example, if an Administrator attempted to approve the disbursal of an amount that is more than the allowance item amount, the following sample message may be displayed:
    Sample display message
  • Allowance reason code: Select this check box to indicate that the change to the commitment involves an allowance. An allowance is an estimated amount of funds set aside for a particular item allowances do not include a detailed cost breakdown, and most importantly, cannot be charged against. Once this check box is selected, the Limit change items to same account code as allowance item check box displays.
  • Limit change items to same account code as allowance item: This check box displays when the Allowance reason code check box is selected. Select this check box to indicate that the change to the commitment must be made to the same account code as the allowance item. For example, if the allowance item was flooring, and the account code for flooring was 01-3.0117, then selecting this option will require that the commitment change be made to that same account code.

    Allowances cannot be selected as a change item.

Reason Codes Section - Fields and Buttons

  • Edit: Click this link to enter edit mode and modify commitment change reason code details. All fields for the selected row become editable.
  • Delete (Link): Click this link to delete the reason code located on the selected row.
  • Save (Link): This link displays next to the Edit link when a reason code is in edit mode. Click this link to save changes for the selected reason code.
  • Code: This field displays the name of the commitment change reason code. In edit mode the name can be changed from this field.
  • Description: This field displays the description of the commitment change reason code. In edit mode the description can be changed from this field.
  • Applies To: This field displays whether the commitment change reason code applies to approved changes or to the original amount. Click the Edit link to change this setting.
  • Net $0: A check mark in this field indicates that the commitment change reason code allows only net $0 changes. Click the Edit link to change this setting. Select this check box if the reason for the commitment change may only result in a $-0- dollar net change to the contract.
  • Allowance: A check mark in this field indicates that the commitment change reason code applies to allowances. Click the Edit link to change this setting. An allowance is an estimated amount of funds set aside for a particular item allowances do not include a detailed cost breakdown.
  • Limit Items: A check mark in this field indicates that the commitment change reason code applies to an allowance and has to use the same account code as the allowance item. This check box can only be selected if the Allowance check box is selected. Click the Edit link to change this setting.
  • Delete (Button): Click this button to delete a reason code after respective check boxes have been selected.