Edit Conditional Branch Page

Conditional steps are defined statements that can take a path of true or false. It is configured to let the system determine the route in the workflow. For example, if a contract or PO has a commitment value greater than $5,000 it may have to be routed to the Assistant Director. Otherwise the project manager can approve it without requiring executive management approval. Double-clicking or dragging and dropping the Conditional shape to the designer opens the Edit Conditional Branch dialog box.

A description of all the fields located on this page is listed below.




Enter the name of the conditional step in this field. This name will also appear on the conditional shape in the designer.


This field displays the conditional statement. To add a data field, click the Select Field drop-down arrow to make a selection. If the data field is a drop-down or multi-select data field type then a Lookup button will show assisting you in selecting the available values. Click the Insert button to add the field to the condition field. Use the operators to add the second portion of the statement. Optionally, you can click the Functions drop-down arrow and then click Insert to enter the final portion of the statement. The entire statement or parts of the statement can be typed into this field.


If the conditional statement requires the use of an operator, click the appropriate operator button. For example, if you want the conditional statement to return True or False based on a commitment value then you can add the greater than (>) operator in the statement - {CostCommitmentChange.Amount} > 5000.


Functions are predefined expressions that allow you to input data to complete assignment expressions. The options in this drop-down arrow appear by default. Below is an explanation of each:

Now(): Current date and time:

  1. Select this function.
  2. Click Insert.
  3. Select a field from the Assign to Field drop-down arrow.
  4. Click Save.

Today(): Current date:

  1. Select this function.
  2. Click Insert.
  3. Select a field from the Assign to Field drop-down arrow.
  4. Click Save.

Date (value) - Allows you to convert a date in string form to a date type. Value is the string value.



Sample Output







IIFDate( 1 > 2, Date("12.10.2013"), Date("12.12.2013"))


MaxDate(Date("12.10.2013"), Date("12.12.2013"))


Functions (Continued)

IIF String (Condition, true string, false string): If and only if (applies to text fields only):

  1. Select this function.
  2. Click Insert.
  3. Place your cursor before the first comma, enter the condition by selecting a data field from the Select Field drop-down arrow, and then click Insert.
  4. Place your cursor before the second comma, enter the "if true" value by selecting a data field from the Select Field drop-down arrow and clicking insert or manually type the text in quotes.
  5. Place your cursor after the second comma, enter the "if false" value by selecting a data field from the Select Field drop-down arrow or manually typing the text with surrounding quotation marks.
  6. Select a field from the Assign to Field drop-down arrow.
  7. Click Save.

Functions (Continued)

IIF Number (Condition, true string, false string): If and only if (applies to number fields only):

  1. Select this function.
  2. Click Insert.
  3. Place your cursor before the first comma, enter the condition by selecting a data field from the Select Field drop-down arrow, and then click Insert. (i.e. Contract Sum)
  4. Place your cursor before the second comma, enter the ‘if true number by selecting a data field from the Select Field drop-down arrow and clicking insert or manually type the text in quotes.
  5. Place your cursor after the second comma, enter the ‘if false number by selecting a data field from the Select Field drop-down arrow or manually typing the number with surrounding quotation marks.
  6. Select a field from the Assign to Field drop-down arrow.
  7. Click Save.

Functions (Continued)

IsInList (list, value) Mulit-Pick List (This function allows you to include "and" and "or" for more complex conditions that include options from the multi-pick list.

  1. Select this function.
  2. Click Insert.
  3. Place your cursor before the comma and select a multi-pick list from the Select Field drop-down arrow.
  4. Click Insert.
  5. Place your cursor after the comma and enter the value in quotes.
  6. Select a field from the Assign to Field drop-down arrow.
  7. Click Save.

Functions (Continued)

Trim (value): Removes white space from text.

Find (similar to VB Instr): Find a string within a string & return the character number where the search string is found

Left (source value, length number): Use to find a specified number of characters from the left (beginning) of a string.

Functions (Continued)

Mid (source value, start position number, length number): Returns the middle x characters of a string, starting at position y within the string

Replace(source value, start position number, length): Used to replace characters within a text.

Right (source value, length number): Returns a specified number of characters from the right (end) of a string.

Substitute (source value, search value, substitution value): Changes characters within a String.

Rev (source value): Returns a reversed string. For example, REV(Luke returns ekuL)

Len (source value): Returns the length of the inputted variable

All(list item, operator, value): All of the values in the expression in " " have to be in the field.

None(list item, operator, value): Any of the values in " " must not be in the field.

Background Color

Click this button to select a background color for the conditional step, which displays in the Designer.

Text Color

Click this button to select a background color text of the conditional step, which displays in the Designer.

True/ False Actions

The True and False actions are automatically provided for conditional branch steps and cannot be changed. You can however edit these actions to add Data Field Assignments or Notify users when the action is taken. Remember, data field assignments allow you to configure it so when the action occurs an assigned value can be automatically set to a data field.