Edit Automation Step Page (Time Tracking)

An automation step is required to generate invoices for time tracking workflows that are integrated with Cost. Once configured, a draft invoice will automatically be created when a time sheet with billable tasks is approved. Activities that include commitment items produce a draft commitment invoice and those that do not have commitments produce a general invoice in draft status. These draft invoices can be found in the Cost module in Unfinished Drafts or by filtering for them on the Actual Costs page. For instructions, see Add Automation Step (Time Tracking).

Fields and Buttons

The fields and buttons located on this page are:

  • Save: Click this button to save changes and exit the Edit Automation Step dialog box.
  • Cancel: Click this button to cancel this action and exit the Edit Automation Step dialog box. Note that changes will not be saved.
  • Automation Step Name: Enter the name of the automation step in this field.
  • Commitment Invoice Creation:
    •  Creation Type 
      • Create Draft Invoices: This is the default option. Leave selected to create draft invoices for an approved time sheet that has a commitment associated to it.
      • Spawn a Cost Process: Select to spawn an invoice cost process for an approved time sheet. When selected you are prompted to select a qualifying cost process.
  • General Invoice Creation:
    •  Creation Type 
      • Create Draft Invoices: This is the default option. Leave selected to create draft invoices for an approved time sheet that is not associated to a commitment.
      • Spawn a Cost Process: Select to spawn an invoice cost process for an approved time sheet. When selected you are prompted to select a qualifying cost process.
  • Send Failure Comment Notifications: Select an actor if you want someone to be notified in the even the automation step fails.

    The status of the action that leads to this Automation step must be set to Approve in order for the automation step to be successful and not fail.

  • Run As User: This is a required field in order to run the automation step. The user selected should be an account administrator with access to all projects to ensure that all invoices are properly processed.
  • Background Color: Click this button to select a background color for the automation step, which displays in the Designer.
  • Text Color: Click this button to select a background color text of the automation step, which displays in the Designer.