Edit Account Summary Notifications

Account administrators can update summary notifications for others at anytime from the Administration Tools section.

To modify summary notifications for others

  1. Go to the Account Notification Settings page.
  2. To enable/disable all daily notifications, click On or Off.
  3. When this feature is disabled, instant notifications will be received as if the summary notification was never created.

  4. Click the Edit link.
  5. The Edit Summary Notification page is displayed.

  6. Update the details of the notification:
    • Modify the subject
    • Add or remove modules
    • When modules are removed, instant notifications will be received as if the summary notification was never created.

    • Update the delivery time
    • Update the recipients
    • Update the template status - templates will be available for everyone to use when creating their own summary notifications.
    • Update the items included in the notification by selecting the appropriate check boxes.
  7. Click Save.

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