Creating a Dashboard
To create a dashboard, follow these steps
- From the Dashboards tab, click the Go To Dashboard List link. A list of Dashboard Folders will be displayed.
- Click Add Dashboard.
- Enter the following information:
- Title: Enter a name for your dashboard.
- Description: Enter a description of the dashboard.
- Dashboard Layout Style: Select the Layout style that will determine the number of columns shown on the Dashboard.
- Two Columns
- Three Columns
- For each of the columns select the size:
- Narrow
- Medium
- Wide
- Custom: This setting requires that you select the number of pixels (between 200-800)
- In the Running User field, use the Lookup button to select a user. The data that is shown on the dashboard is determined by this user. If you want the dashboard to show all the information stored in e-Builder, it is best to select an e-Builder Administrator.
- From the Folder drop-down, select the folder to which you want to store the dashboard.
- In the Dashboard Permissions section, select who has the permission to view these dashboards:
- This dashboard is available only to me
- This dashboard is available to all users
- This dashboard is available to the following roles.
Select the particular roles to provide dashboard access to users in those roles.
- Click Save.
The Add Dashboard page will be displayed.
This can be changed later if the dashboard needs to be expanded or reduced.
If the dashboards will be printed, or if most of your users are using large monitor resolutions (e.g. 1024 x 768, 800 x 600), having more than one wide column will require users to scroll and or use more than one page to print the dashboards.
The dashboard has now been created.