Create Scenario Views
At least one scenario view is required for adding project scenarios. The best way to utilize views when adding scenarios to a plan is to build it such that it automatically prioritizes the scenarios for you. For example, you might want to set a view where the scenarios are listed in order of a ranking score or based on a priority of high, medium, or low.
- Make sure to set the sorting off of a priority or ranking type field so that the scenarios are listed in the right order of priority.
- In order to set scenarios to be listed in order of importance from high, medium, to low you need to set a project custom field called something like priority and create values like 1 - High, 2 - Med, and 3 - Low. Make sure to number them as such so they list correctly. Otherwise, they list in alphabetical order: High, Low, and Med.
To create scenario views
- Click Setup.
- Expand Views.
- Click Planning.
- Click Add View.
- Enter the name of the view in the Name field.
- In the Columns Displayed (numbered left to right) section, enter the name of the columns that will display in the view.
- Click Save.
The Add View page is displayed.