Create Project Number Custom Field

Project numbers are unique project identifiers that will appear on all pages that the project name exists. Project numbers are simply Project custom fields. They are created in the same manner as any Project custom field, except they must meet the following two specifications:

  • Must be a String field
  • Must be a required field.

To add Project number custom fields

  1. Go to Project settings.
  2. For instructions, see Access Project Settings.

  3. Click Custom Fields.
  4. Click Add Field.
  5. The Add Custom Field page is displayed.

  6. Select the String radio button, and then click Next.
  7. Complete all necessary fields; specifically, the following:
    • Enter a name for the custom field in the space provided after Field Label.
    • Select the Required check box.
    • Optional: Select the Do not allow duplicates check box to make the value of this field unique. This will ensure that another Project custom field does not have the same value.
  8. Click Next.
  9. Review the details of the custom field.
  10. If changes are required, click Previous to navigate to the appropriate page and make changes.
  11. —Or—

    If details are correct, click Save.