Cost "Quick Links" Overview
The Cost "Quick Links" are available directly under the top navigation tabs when the Cost tab is selected. This is a static menu that appears throughout all the pages of the Cost module to provide you with easy access to specific tasks.
![Image of the Cost Quick Links Menu](Resources/Images/Online_Help/Cost/Cost-Quick-Links.png)
Getting familiar with this section of the module will help you save a lot of time and energy by reducing the amount of mouse-clicks needed for data entry and searching for pertinent information. These quick links direct you to the exact pages where you need to be to perform various tasks:
Cost Summary: Accesses the main Cost page. If there are views defined, the last view accessed displays. For more information about views, see About Views. This page displays a list of all available projects. Click the name of a project to open the related Project Cost Summary Page.
Items Pending Approval: Click this link to open the Items Pending Approval page and see list of cost items that need to be approved. Click the Approve or Reject link to take either action on the item.
Unfinished Drafts: Click this link to open the Unfinished Drafts page and view a list of all cost items that are in a draft status. This view may be of importance if for instance you are responsible for ensuring that all draft cost items eventually leave its draft status. This view displays draft status items across all your projects. You may also reconcile this list every month with your team, or simply need to review outstanding items.
To access the details of a draft item click the Item # (if appropriate) or the Item Description link. You can filter the items that are displayed by clicking on one of the two drop down lists next to the word Show and clicking the Go button. click Show All to return to clear the filter.
Data Entry: Click this link to open the Data Entry Menu page from which you can directly add a budget change, commitment, commitment change or invoice by clicking on the appropriate link.