Configure Columns
Step 5 of the Report Wizard allows you to configure the report columns so that you can customize how the report will look once it has been run. They will be displayed from left to right when the report is run. To move a column, click the name of the column in the middle box, and click either the top, up, down, or bottom buttons.
The columns listed will vary based on the columns selected in Step 3 of the Report Wizard.
To configure columns for the report
- In Step 5 of the Report Wizard, select one or more of the following column configuration settings:
- Column Order: All columns that were selected in Step 3 of the Report Wizard will appear in the Column Order section. Click a report column and use the directional arrows to rearrange the order of the column. Do the same with the other report columns to customize the order in which the columns will display.
- Sort Order: Select a report column from the Sort Order drop down list and all the report columns included in this report will display. Click a report column, then click the Ascending radio button if you wish to have the column's contents arranged in ascending order; or click the Descending radio button if you wish to have it in the descending order. If not defined then the column will be appear in ascending order.
- Set Column Widths: Hover over the column headers within the Set Column Widths section to see the column width arrow that allows the user to adjust the report column widths. Once you see the column width arrow beside a column, click it and drag to the right to make that report column wider, or to the left to make report column narrower.
- Set Column Highlights: You can set column highlights whenever integer, decimal or currency fields are selected as report columns. First, define the column to highlight and the reference column; then define the low range, low-mid threshold, mid-range, mid-high threshold, and high range colors to be used.
- Logo: Select a logo from the drop down list to add it to the report. A preview of the logo is displayed to the right.
- Click Next to proceed to Step 6 in the Report Wizard.