Color Scheme

The Color Scheme setting that allows accounts to customize colors for the top Global Navigation Tabs and grid headers has been retired and removed from availability from 15 December 2023. For more details, see the lifecycle announcement that was published in August 2022.

On the Manage Color Scheme page, you can select the style of user interface as well as change the colors of your e-Builder account to match your company colors.

The following user interface styles are available in e-Builder:

  • Classic style: The classic interface style currently displayed in Trimble Unity Construct.
  • Compass style: A new and updated interface with streamlined navigation. This changes only the visual interface and does not include functional changes.

The user interface style and color scheme is an account-level setting and will be displayed for all projects. If you change the user interface style or colors, the changes will be updated for all users from your company.