Close Submittal Packages

If there are items that have been reviewed by the submittal coordinator and no additional revisions are needed, the contractor can close the item if they agree with the response. The contractor should create revisions for all items that need to be revised before closing out the completed items.

If the setting Honor Auto-Close Status is enabled, then submittal items will automatically be placed in Closed status when the item is set to a specific status, which is predefined by the account administrator. This is an account and project-level setting. For more information, see Submittal Register Options (Account Setting) and Submittal Settings Page Overview (Project Setting)

  1. Go to the Submittal Packages page. For access instructions, see Access Submittals.
  2. Select the package whose details you wish to view.
  3. The Submittal Package Details page is displayed.

  4. Click Close.
  5. You are prompted for confirmation.

  6. Click Continue.

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