About Bidding

Owners, general contractors and other industry participants go through a bidding process to purchase goods and services associated with the development and construction of capital projects. e-Builder's Bidding module helps manage this bidding process and streamlines the exchange of documents, drawings and communications that surround it.

Without an online system, the typical bid process involves the distribution of plans and specifications to multiple bidders by hand delivery or express mail, which is expensive and very difficult to coordinate and manage. Though the bidding process itself is fast paced, it involves multiple back and forth exchanges, and requires that each step in the process be documented to minimize liability or misunderstandings later on. The communication process is difficult to manage, prone to errors, and labor intensive. To save time and money, bid managers often invite a smaller number of bidders or send partial information to bidders. At best, this results in less competitive bid results. At worst, this results in lost work, lawsuits, or projects that are not profitable because incorrect vendors were selected.