Bid Tabulation

The Bid Tabulation feature helps bid managers save a significant amount of time. You can focus more on bid analysis without having to arrange bid results side-by-side for comparison using multiple spreadsheets. The tabulation is updated instantly whenever a change is made on either the bid tabulation itself or if a change is made in the bidder portal. The bid tabulation provides a seamless and effortless way to keep the lines of communication open between the bid manager and bidders.

Bid tabulation works in conjunction with bid scope. After your bid scope has been defined, you can tabulate the results of all submitted bids from the Bid Tabulation tab. Consequently, this tab is not functional until at least one bid has been submitted. By default, the bid tabulation can't be opened until after the bid due date, however there is a setting in the account setup that will enable the bid tabulation to be opened any time prior to the bid due date for all non-public projects. See Bidding Options for more information.

Upon bid submission, one folder will be created for each bid containing both bid submission custom field information and supporting documentation files. When the bid is submitted, the bid package supporting documents folder will not be visible in the Documents module until the bid tabulation has been opened.

The Bid Tabulation tab is displayed only if bid tabulation has been enabled in the account setup. Contact your Trimble Unity Construct account administrator if you need access to this feature.

There are a number of customizable features on the bid tabulation tab to meet the unique needs of your particular organization. For instance, you have the ability to adjust totals after negotiating with bidders. If your organization follows a public bid process, you can optionally turn off this capability by clearing the Allow Adjustments check box on the Add/Edit Bid Package Details Page. An additional account feature includes the option to require one or more witnesses present before the bid tabulation is opened.

Bid Tabulation Page

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