Add/ Edit Workflow Page (Time Tracking)

This page allows you to make changes to the workflow. A Workflow is necessary to determine the route of a time sheet and who can submit it.

Fields and Buttons

The fields and buttons located on this page are:

  • Workflow Name: Displays the name of the workflow.
  • Hide Action Button: If selected, the Action button will not be visible to actors and simply choosing an action will move the process to the next step.
  • Allow Comments/Attachments After Finish Step: If selected, actors are able to comment on the process or attach documents after the process has been completed.
  • Account Default: Select to make the workflow the account default, in which case all submitted time sheets will automatically follow this workflow. By default, the first workflow created will be the account default.

    Assigned role/user is what determines the route of submitted time sheets. For more information, see Manage Workflow Page Overview.

    If set as the account default a specific role/user cannot be assigned; instead, the process can be initiated by any role or user. You may choose to default a workflow that is generic to the entire organization, such as non-billable time sheets that must all be routed to the same parties, e.g. The Accounting Team.

    Once saved, this setting cannot be changed unless a different workflow is selected as the account default.

  • Role/User Assignment: If workflow assigned as account default, this field defaults to all roles and users, allowing anyone to initiate it.

    If available, choose the Roles/Users that can start this workflow (submit the a Time Sheet that will follow this workflow). If the initiator is in multiple roles, they will be prompted to choose the role for which they are submitting the time sheet and the associated workflow and the time sheet will route accordingly.

    Roles can only be assigned to one workflow at a time, with the exception of the Account Default.