Add Master Invoices

Depending on account configurations, master invoices can be added by a predefined process or in the standard manner, via the Cost module.

Account Level Cost must be enabled for the account to access this feature. Only users with the Add/ Edit Master Invoice permission can add master invoices.

Master invoices are used to submit billing invoices against master commitments. Master commitments are contracts that span more than one e-Builder project, so they are typically set up to handle a program manager, architectural/ engineering firm, or job order contractor engaged by an Owner to provide services on more than one project.

When preparing a master invoice, you can invoice against master commitment items that have been allocated to projects that you are a member of.

To add master invoices

  1. Click Cost from the top navigation menu.
  2. Click the Master Invoices tab.
  3. Click Add Master Invoice.
  4. If a process has been configured for you to submit master invoices, the process details page is displayed. If not, the Add Master Invoice page is displayed.

  5. Complete all required fields.
  6. Click Save or Save and Add New.