Add/ Edit Custom Field Page

Use this page to add new custom fields or make changes to existing ones. When adding custom fields, you are taken through a three step wizard. For instructions, see Add Document Custom Fields. A description of the fields and buttons located on each page is provided below:

Step 1

Select an object type.

Step 2

Select the type of data field you'd like to add.

  • String: Allow users to enter a single line of text.
  • Text Block: Allow users to enter multiple lines of text.
  • Integer: Allow users to enter only a numeric value.
  • Decimal: Allow users to enter only decimal values.
  • Drop Down List: Allow users to select one value from a list of values
  • Multiple Pick List: Allow users to select any number of values from a list of values
  • Date: Allow users to enter a date manually, or select from the calendar icon.
  • Account User: Allow users to select a single user from a list of all users on the account.
  • User In Role: Allow users to select a single user from a list of users in the selected role.
  • User In Role On Project: Allow users to select a single user from a list of users in the selected role that are members of the current project.

Step 3

Add custom field details.

  • Field Label: Enter a label for the custom field. Ensure that the field label does not have any underscores ( _ ) in the name.
  • Description: Enter a description of the custom field.
  • Inheritable: This field displays when User and Project object types are selected. Select this check box to make the values of either the project or user custom field available when a user or project is copied. This will allow you to maintain consistency in the application of custom fields, which will provide additional data for your reporting needs.
  • Required: Select the check box to make this a required field. Leave it unselected to make this an optional field.
  • Default Value: Enter a default value for the field.
  • Permissions: Select from the following options:
    • Admin Edit Only - Select to make this field editable by account administrators only.
    • All Users - Select View to make this custom field visible to all users. Select the Edit check box to allow all users to modify the custom field by entering  and editing data.
    • Role Name - If the custom field can be edited by a role, the role will automatically inherit view permissions as well. You can allow all roles to view or edit the custom field by selecting either check box in the 'Role Name' header. However, to specify the roles that are able to view or edit, select the respective check boxes next to the role name.
  • Maximum Length: Displays for String fields only. Enter the maximum number of character that users can enter in this field. If left blank, a negative value is automatically entered, which is equal to an infinite number of characters.
  • Minimum Length: Displays for String fields only. Enter a least amount of characters that users can enter in this field.
  • Visible Rows: Displays for Text Block and Multiple Pick List fields only. Enter the number of visible rows you want to display in the scrollable window. Team members will have to scroll to see the additional options.
  • Length: Displays for Text Block fields only. Enter the maximum number of character you'd like available for this field.
  • Decimal Places: Displays for Decimal fields only. Enter the amount of decimal places to set this field to, for example, two (0.12) or four (0.1234) decimal places.
  • Drop Down List Options: Displays for Drop-Down fields only. Enter the options that users should choose from. Enter one option per line.
  • Sort Values: Displays for Drop-Down and Multiple Pick List fields only. Click to sort values in alphabetical order.
  • Multiple Pick List Options: Displays for Multiple Pick List fields only. Enter the options that users will choose from. Enter one option per line.
  • Roles: Displays for 'User in Role' and 'User in Role on Projects' fields only. Select a role to narrow the list down by the users in the role selected.
  • Destination Folder Path: Define the folder created when a bidder uploads a bid submission. Click Change Folder to browse and select the destination folder for the account.

Step 4

This page displays the details of the custom field and allows you to see a preview of what the field will look like to end users.