Schedule Templates

Schedule templates are a great time-saving tool. They provide a prototype for project schedules. If you have projects that are similar in nature such as elementary schools, high schools, and parking garages, each of these project types can have a template that will ensure, at the minimum, the core tasks are addressed. Templates also give the schedule manager a framework for building and completing the project schedule. With very little verbal communication, you and the schedule managers can be in sync with task schedule management.

Only users with Manage Templates permissions are able to save the template as an account setting.

Account templates are available in all projects, whether or not the schedule manager has access to those projects.

Personal templates can be created by you, or for you by an administrator or user with Manage Template permissions. These templates can be created from My Settings or directly from the Project Schedule. A schedule that includes the fundamental milestones and master tasks might be saved as an account template. Personal templates are tied to your username and will be available in any project that you have access to.

Constraints are not saved to templates. Non-managers may choose to add templates to track only the tasks that pertain to them. For example, someone in the Finance department might only be concerned with master tasks and would therefore make the duration of all subtasks "0" and apply this template to all of their new projects.